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Virox Animal Health Blog

Disinfection Tales for Your Tails

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Emerging Pathogens, do disinfectants cover the unk...

In my last blog, I spoke about pathogens and the hierarchy of susceptibility, also known a...

Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi, OH MY! Don’t let vici...

There are many pathogens that we encounter in the animal world - some are easy to kill and...

A BIG Thank You to All Veterinary Technicians

It’s National Vet Tech Appreciation Week! This week is dedicated to celebrating the vet te...

Poopy Love from Puppies

I grew up on a farm. We raised beef cows, capons (neutered male chickens) and grew cash cr...

Debunking Disinfection Myths

Chewing gum takes 7 years to digest. Bats are blind. Goldfish have a 3-second memory. What...

How often do you clean your stethoscope?

Would you go on your break and eat your KitKat without washing your hands after collecting...

Does your disinfectant suffer from Safety Indiffer...

Working in the veterinary field, when it comes to safety, I would always think of proper r...

Welcome to the Virox Animal Health Blog!

From veterinarians to vet assistants, to swine gurus, our animal health experts are excite...

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