From veterinarians to vet assistants, to swine gurus, our animal health experts are excited to bring you key resources and educational content as it pertains to our patented Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® (AHP®) disinfectant technology. With a focus on infection prevention and biosecurity, cleaning and disinfection is an essential part of animal care and should play an important role within your facility. Stay tuned as we review the characteristics of the ideal disinfectant, benefits in reading product labels, clarify contact times, elaborate on efficacy claims, share industry news, and basically educate the animal health world on everything and anything there is to do with infection prevention and biosecurity and why AHP® is the only compromise free disinfectant. We want to ensure your AHP® product experience is an easy one! Whether you are a loyal user of our technology or are here learning about AHP® for the first time; we will provide everything you need to know – keeping it simple and straight forward. As we go along, we invite you to participate in conversations, ask questions and provide suggestions on what topics you would like to know more about. And we get it, your days are filled with a list of to-do’s and you may not always get a chance to visit our blog. For convenience sake, subscribe and get our latest blog posts sent straight to your inbox to ensure you stay up to date with our latest news.
We invite you to check out our first blog on Safety Indifference Syndrome: Do you know how safe your current disinfectant is? Find Out Here!
Virox® Animal Health is a division of Virox® Technologies Inc.
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AHP® and Design and Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® and Design are trademarks of Diversey, Inc.